Why Pigeons?

They're intelligent, loving, tenacious, survivalists whose iridescence is akin to built-in jewelry. They tend to be taken for granted because of their ubiquity: a metaphor worthy of exploration. They transition between many ecosystems & belong to many worlds. They are city slickers & country bumpkins. They are friendly, resourceful, hungry & romantic. They love to sing. You can feed them from your hand if you please, in time.

Pigeons are underdogs.
Team Underdog forever.

This jewelry line is a reflection of these birds: versatile & adaptable; elegant & rugged...
and then you strut! 

We stand for self love & celebration of your truest version.

We hold steady to the vision of you feeling comfortable & empowered, & hope to create a bridge with our jewels as a vessel- catalyzing you to push the realms of your expression to stand out among the rest; feeling dedicated to & mobilized towards ethical sourcing, ecological connection, & recognizing your role in the web.

If you look good, you feel better. If you feel better, you do better. If you're doing better, you're up for doing your part in this big, beautiful, complicated world. 

The right jewelry acts as a tool to boost confidence & help you feel even better in your own skin.

It is a branch on the large
tree of self-care.

Meet the Artist

Lisa Hirsch is a homegrown New Yorker who spent her formative years playing in the Atlantic Ocean, exploring the city, & traveling the world.

Her craft is a blend of these experiences, which reflect the diversity of the people she creates for. She aims to welcome everyone with her art.

Pigeon Heart Designs (PHD) began in late 2010 as a side hustle while Lisa pursued her Masters in Early Childhood Education. After graduating, she moved to the Bay Area and taught for several years, with PHD steadily gaining momentum as her secondary job.

In 2019, she took a few silversmithing classes, & when the pandemic hit, she relied on her craft as her sole source of income. The slow pace of 2020 allowed her to focus intensely on honing her skills.

Now, Lisa is living the independent, fulfilling entrepreneurial dream in Portland, OR, with her partner and their precious street mutt, Penique.


When she's away from the shop...

You can find Lisa gardening, on long walks, getting in some Q-T with some cuties, immersed in nature, or exploring abandoned houses. 

Her greatest dream is to be an expat, live next to a welcoming body of not-too-cool water, & to make big dinners about every other week with loved ones, share laughs around the table by candle light, singing songs together with full hearts & bellies. 

A dedication to Lisa's mama

Lisa's beautiful mother, Diana was a truly amazing woman who wore many creative hats & handed down similar genes. So much love.

This site is a dedication to her.